What’s it like to sleep on the International Space Station? This week at my company we published a collection of space sounds that you can add to the White Noise app. Read more about it at the official blog for TMSOFT and listen to what the ISS sounds like below:

Hi Todd,
I got the free app on my iMac and found this beautiful sound: rain on a lake. So I downloaded the free app on my iPad, but this lovely sound wasn’t on the list. Is there some way for me to get “Rain on lake” on my iPad which is the device I would use for the bedroom?
Thanks for this amazing list of sounds!
I’m sorry this is so late so hopefully you already know about the White Noise Market. We have plenty of rain on lake sounds. Here is our most popular: http://whitenoisemarket.com/sound/lake-rain?id=b79846eb6b5be97dea8e0e91c519d50b